Potential for Settlement and Trade at the Tanjung Ser Site Pemuteran Village, Gerokgak, Bali (Historical Geography Perspective)

Ketut Sedana Arta, I Made Pageh, I Wayan Putra Yasa


This study aims to analyze the potential for settlements at the Tanjung Ser Site, Pemuteran Village, Gerokgak, Bali and analyzing the potential of intersular trade in North Bali from the perspective of historical geography. This research is important to analyze various settlement and trade possibilities from the Tanjung Ser site related to the Gilimanuk, Pangkung Paruk, Banjar Asem, Ularan, Sembiran sites. The methodology of this research is qualitative. The technique of determining the informants used purposive sampling and was developed with snowball sampling. The validity with data triangulation, while the data analysis using the interactive model of Miles and Huberman data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions drawn in a circular manner. The results show that there are several artifacts that prove that the Tanjung Ser site is an ancient prehistoric settlement as evidenced by the presence of pottery fragments dominated by the type of container with sharp motifs and gouged scratches similar to those found in Gilimanuk and Sembiran. At this site also found shellfish including gastropods and Pelecypods. Meanwhile, trade was made possible from the process of distributing the same pottery items in coastal settlement locations as well as the discovery of bronze artifacts (mini nekaras, mirrors, tajak, earrings, bracelets) indicating contact with traders in the cemetery area and traders outside the area.

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