The Role of the National Agency for Border Management in Maintaining the Territorial Sovereignty in the Land Bord between Indonessia and Timor Leste
Border management is an indication of a country's seriousness in managing its borders, one of which is indicated by the existence of a set of rules of the game in the form of legal-formal rules that are marked and comprehensive. The seriousness shown by the Government of Indonesia by issuing Law Number 43 of 2008 concerning the territory of the country, this law does not determine state boundaries along with border coordinate points because in international law it is not justified to determine state boundaries unilaterally, but must go through an agreement set forth in the form of a border agreement between countries. Nevertheless, this law explains that in which countries Indonesia borders both land and sea, it is included in the management of state borders, both at the central and regional government levels, which happen to be state borders. Indonesia has land borders with 3 countries, namely Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste. This research will discuss the role of the national border management agency in maintaining territorial sovereignty on the land border between Indonesia and Timor Leste. The Methods use normative legal research. the results showed that the scenario of border management in the territory of Indonesia and Timor Leste by emphasizing the welfare aspect in an effort to raise the standard of living of the people living on the border of the two countries. This is in line with the direction of development and development of the border area between Indonesia and Timor Leste to be allocated and utilized for the welfare of its people.
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