Consumer Dispute Resolution through the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Nuzul Rahmayani, Benni Rusli, Jasman Nazar


Consumers are parties who are very vulnerable to the activities of business actors, so they are specifically protected through Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. One of the rights of consumers contained in these provisions is the right to be able to get access to proper consumer dispute resolution. On the other hand, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on various aspects of life, including in terms of non-litigation consumer dispute resolution, where the government's policy to limit face-to-face interaction certainly affects the consumer dispute resolution process which is usually carried out face-to-face. This study aims to analyze the implementation of consumer dispute resolution through the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency during the Covid-19 Pandemic and the obstacles in implementing consumer dispute resolution through the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This study uses empirical juridical research. The result shows that the dispute resolution in two methods: (1) Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) method, which is used to resolve disputes consumers whose offers and transactions are made online; (2) face-to-face method with strict observance of health protocols, which are used to resolve consumer disputes whose deals and transactions are carried out directly. BPSK faced several obstacles as well as: (1) There is no internet network facilitation to support dispute resolution through ODR, so the BPSK Assembly uses personal internet quotas; (2) BPSK operational funding that has not been disbursed since the beginning of this year.

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