Urgency and Model of Village Tourism Village Regulation in Sriharjo in Realizing People based Tourism

Retno Damarina, Danang Rizky Fadila Amananta, Ilham Yuli Isdianto


Tourism Villages have a strategic role in realizing prosperity and prosperity while providing protection and preservation of culture, economy and the environment. Likewise, Sriharjo Village, Imogiri District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province, has an extraordinary landscape that has the potential to become a tourist attraction. The existence of this diverse tourism on the other hand can also be a threat because the potential for tourism always attracts the attention of the government, the community, and investors so that it has the potential to cause conflict between the three. Worse yet, society is often in a position weakened by ignorance. Therefore, the Sriharjo Village Government initiated the formation of village regulations as guidelines for the implementation of the Sriharjo Tourism Village. The purpose of this research is to formulate the implementation of the Tourism Village in Sriharjo Village, to formulate the urgency of the formation of the Village Regulation Draft regarding the tourist village and to formulate the philosophical, sociological and juridical basis of the formation of the Village Regulation Draft regarding Tourism Village in Sriharjo Village. This article uses normative research method, where every aspect of legal research is always related to das sollen which is the basis of the norm. In addition to the normative aspect, this research is also empirical in nature, namely finding the direct sources used. The results of the study indicate the need for the establishment of village regulations and the results of the research also produce an academic text that will be used to formulate the Sriharjo Village Regulations. In the future, in the implementation of the Sriharjo Tourism Village, both the village government, the community, and the private sector can fulfill the provisions in the Sriharjo Village Regulation. 

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