Legal Politics Integrated Law Enforcement Center in The Concept of the Election Criminal Justice System in the Covid Pandemic

Handoko Alfiantoro


The Center of Integrated Law Enforcement which is known as the “Sentra Gakkumdu” is a concrete manifestation of escort and supervision of the implementation of the General Election. The handling of alleged election crime violations has different work procedures, procedural law, and time limits, so that a one-stop handling pattern is established through Sentra Gakkumdu, which consists of elements of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), the Indonesian National Police and the Indonesian Attorney's Office. this article aims to analys the Gakkumdu Center in the Concept of the Election Criminal Justice System During the Covid-19 Pandemic. The methodes used normative juridical research, with a statute approach, a comparative approach, and a conceptual approach. The results showed that based on the different handling patterns in the Gakkumdu Center, it should be included in a stronger legal basis through special legislation regarding the Election Criminal Justice System, which regulates formal law and material law, and regulates the expansion of the Integrated Criminal Justice System consists of components of Sentra Gakkumdu, components of the Judiciary Institution, and components of the Penal Institution. This aims to accelerate the interconnection between individuals and institutions in the handling of alleged election crime violations in a more comprehensive manner. specially during the Covid-19 pandemic, there are many modifications to the procedural law for handling election crimes through an online system so that this situation deserves to be formulated in a regulation equivalent to law as a basis for future law enforcement. This article was compiled using normative juridical research methods through the Statute Approach, Comparative Approach and Conceptual Approach, which aims to critically examine the Legal Politics of Integrated Law Enforcement Centers in the Concept of the Election Criminal Justice System during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

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