Teaching Environmental Awareness since the Early Age

Dholina Inang Pambudi


The environmental issues that occur in Indonesia are quite diverse such as floods, landslides and wastes. The wastes in the landfill are increasing in volume and when the wastes generated by the society and industry cannot be accommodated, new problems will emerge, such as disease outbreaks and other natural disasters such as floods. Demographic factorsthat is not balanced with the awareness of each individual in maintaining the environment will only endanger the nation's ecosystem. Family is the first and main education which is also a role model for children. The education will be continued into wider scopes which are schools and community. The key to overcome the environmental issues in this nation lies on the awareness and integrity of each individual. Through a good synergy between schools, communities and government on awareness that by maintaining the environment from the early age, it will create the next generations to be perceptive and wise in utilizing the environment as a form of gratitude towards the masterpiece of the Creator.

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