Zulfikar Hasan


Introduction: The level of the soundness of a bank based on risk must always monitor to avoid problems that can arise in the banking system. Problematic conditions in a bank that can eventually end in bankruptcy can identify as a measure of the tendency of a company to experience financial failure and ultimately no longer be able to run its business operations. So analyzing the effect of CAR, ROA, NPF, FDR and BOPO on NOM (Net operating margin) in Islamic banks is considered very important.

Purpose/Objective Study: This study analyzes of CAR, ROA, NPF, FDR, and BOPO on NOM. In addition, the authors want to see how the relationship between the supporting variables in Islamic banking on the effect of Net Operating Margin on the research that is being carried out.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The population of this study is Shariah Banks and took samples of 8 banks in Indonesia in the period 2013-2017 where financial statements made from the OJK website. The analysis in this study uses panel data which is a combination of time series data and cross-section data. There are two types of panel data, namely panel balance data and unbalance panel data.

Findings: The site of each bank Shariah studied. The results showed that the influence of significant independent variables in influencing efficiency (NOM) was CAR, ROA and NPF. The results of this analysis expected to be a guide in the management of Islamic banking. Limitations of this study not carried out on all Islamic banking and Islamic Business Units Indonesia.

Paper Type: Research Article

Keywords: CAR; ROA; NPF; FDR; BOPO; NOM.



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