How Can Job Design Strategy in Islamic Management Help Organization Coping Covid-19 Impact

Alfina Rahmatia, Arief Dwi Saputra


Introduction to The Problem: The impact of the pandemic caused the lack of motivation of employees due to changes in the economic order in adapting to the new normal era.

Purpose/Objective Study: Review how job design becomes a strategy for dealing with a pandemic in organizations in increasing motivation by applying Islamic management principles through the principles of mutual help (ta'awun), convenience (at-taysir), love deeply (muhabbah), courtesy (al-layyin), kinship (ukhuwah).

Design/Methodology/Approach: In this study, data processing is conducted by data collection through literature studies (reputable journals) and in-depth interviews. The data is managed through a qualitative method with explorative-oriented techniques and the Nvivo 12 application; then, a conclusion is drawn. Data deepening is carried out from these results by providing understanding and interpreting phenomena to obtain scientifically described solutions. Furthermore, this study will look contextually for relevant understandings by finding a strategy in the form of concepts to deal with a comprehensive review of problems. This study will explore the meaning of the study review and be interpreted into descriptive explanations.

Findings: Based on studies conducted, the application of job design strategies through job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment results in a high motivational strengthening in developing the business capacity of MSMEs. In addition, the resulting motivation will review on need for achievement, need for power, and need for affiliation with a total percentage of 100% of MSMEs. Applying the concept of job design has several differences in the achievement of needs obtained from high motivation. From the results of the review, need for achievement (N-Ach) on the principle of mutual love (33%), need for power (N-Pow) in the principle of providing convenience (25%) and need for affiliation (N-Aff) on the principle of kinship (24%) play a more dominant role than other principles. In contrast, the principle of meekness becomes the weakest principle among other principles, although affiliation gets a different percentage. In other principles review, such as the help-help principle, becomes the most stable principle among reviewing the need for motivation.


Job design; Islamic Management; Organization Strategy; New normal era

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