Accelerate Ecosystem Development Financial Services Sector
Introduction to The Problem: The Fintech business is a financial innovation with a touch of modern technology, which takes advantage of the development of information technology to create new innovations in the financial services sector, which are faster and easier to use. So that preparations are needed in accelerating the ecosystem of the financial services sector.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to find out how far the acceleration of the financial services sector ecosystem in Indonesia.
Methodology: This article explained by using a normative juridical writing method by conducting a literature study on secondary data, and primary legal materials (laws and regulations), Using a statute approach, which is to examine all laws and regulations related to legal issues. describe the object under study.
Findings: To ensure the optimization of Fintech for economic growth and financial inclusion in Indonesia, OJK and relevant regulators need to maintain a balance between the ease and flexibility of services offered by Fintech with aspects of supervision and consumer protection. Without paying attention to these two things, Fintech has the potential to disrupt the stability of the financial system in a country. It must be ensured that consumers using Fintech understand the products and services they use, such as procedures, benefits, costs/obligations, risks, and security aspects. An innovation ecosystem is sustainable when it provides the assets and resources needed to build relationships between partners, promote growth and responsiveness of systems to catalyzing internal and external change, and translate knowledge generated by research organizations to industry investors.
Paper Type: General Review
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