The Influence of Creativity and Proactive Attitude Towards Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students at Islamic Colleges Private in Medan City

Radiman Radiman, Sukiman Sukiman, Rizal Agus


Introduction to The Problem: Entrepreneurial intention is an encouragement, interest, and self-acceptance to carry out entrepreneurial activities by looking at the opportunities or opportunities available by facing the risks that will be faced without fear in achieving something that has added value.

Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of creativity and proactive attitude on students' entrepreneurial intentions, either partially or simultaneously at private Islamic universities in Medan City..

Methodology: The population used in this study were students of Private Islamic Colleges in Medan City and the sample in this study amounted to 100 people. The type of data used is primary data and secondary data, research data collection instruments used are questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis technique is multiple linear regression analysis.

Findings: The results showed that partially, each variable creativity and proactive attitude affected the entrepreneurial intentions of students. Simultaneously, the variables of creativity and procative attitude affect the entrepreneurial intentions of private Islamic higher education students in Medan City..

Paper Type: Research Article


Creativity, Proactive Attitude, Entrepreneurial Intention.

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