Marketing Mix Strategy In Islam On Customer Loyalty 212 Mart Medan
With the establishment of 212 Mart in Medan, it has succeeded in attracting the interest of the Islamic community to shop there because it is the only franchise with a sharia concept. However, this public interest is not followed by customer loyalty to always shop at 212 Mart Medan. Many factors that influence the creation of customer loyalty can be seen from the marketing strategy. It is necessary to evaluate the marketing strategy carried out at 212 Mart Medan which consists of product quality, pricing, place or distribution and the process or service provided. The application of marketing strategies in accordance with Islamic law can be a contributing factor to creating customer loyalty.
Purpose : To analyze product quality, price, distribution or place and process or service on customer loyalty 212 Mart Medan.
Methodology : This study uses Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis. Evaluation of the indicator measurement model includes checking individual item reliability, internal consistency or composite reliability, average variance extracted, and discriminant validity. The first three measurements are grouped in convergent validity. Then evaluate the structural model by looking at the path coefficient, R2 and Goodness of fit.
Findings : Completeness and quality of available products, distribution or outlets that are so far from one outlet to another, processes or services that are less than optimal, and pricing that is still above the price of its competitors are factors that affect customer loyalty at 212 Mart Medan.
Paper Type : Research Article
Keywords : Product; Price; Place; Process, Customer Loyalty
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