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Proceedings of 2nd Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2021 Accelerate Ecosystem Development Financial Services Sector Abstract   PDF
Rahmayati Rahmayati
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Analisis Kesesuaian Tata Ruang Residential Real Estate Kasus di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Abstract   PDF
Akhmad Syari’udin, J.J. Sarungu, Mulyanto Mulyanto, A.M. Soesilo
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Analisis Pengukuran Rasio Keuangan dan Makro Ekonomi Terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Syariah Abstract   PDF
Mukti Prasaja
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Analisis Peran Bank Umum Syariah sebagai Potential Investor Untuk Mengoptimalkan Cash Wakaf Link Sukuk Abstract   PDF
Lia Nezliani
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Analisis Sistem Pengawasan Wakaf di Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Farid Rifai Farid Rifai
Proceedings of 2nd Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2021 Analisis Strategi Penghimpunan dan Penyaluran Dana untuk Meningkatkan Jumlah Nasabah di BMT Latansa Gontor Ponorogo Abstract   PDF
Apriliana Ika Kusumanisita, Lathiefa Rusli
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Analysis of Community Preferences of Sharia Banks Abstract   PDF
Akmal Zainurahman, Dede Aji Mardani
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Analysis of Factors Affecting Consumer Purchasing Decisions in 212 Mart Medan Abstract   PDF
Asrizal Efendy Nasution
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Back Cover Abstract   PDF
1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020
Proceedings of 2nd Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2021 CASH WAQF LINKED SUKUK SEBAGAI SOLUSI PEMULIHAN EKONOMI PASCA COVID-19 Abstract   PDF
Aulia Eka Anindhita
Proceedings of 2nd Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2021 Current Ratio, Return On Equity And Price Earning Ratio Of Manufacturing Companies In IDX Abstract   PDF
Hade Chandra Batubara, Ramadani Ramadani
Muhammad Andi Prayogi, Asmuni Asmuni, Yenni Samri Juliati Nasution
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 E-Money: Contemporary Fiqih Review Abstract   PDF
Nunung Nurlaela
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Factors That Influence Earning Power in Hotel, Restaurant and Taourism Sub Sector Company Listed on Indonesia Stoct Exchange Abstract   PDF
Yerisma Welly, Sisca Sisca
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Saham JII (Jakarta Islamic Indeks) Abstract   PDF
Khofidlotur Rofi’ah
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Financial Statements Fraud dengan Pendekatan Vousinas Fraud Hexagon Model: Tinjauan pada Perusahaan Terbuka di Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Shinta Permata Sari, Nanda Kurniawan Nugroho
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Front Cover Abstract   PDF
1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Front Matter Abstract   PDF
Editorial Team, Preface, and Table of Contents
Proceedings of 2nd Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2021 Gamification and Islamic Spiritual Intelligence as an Islamic Business Strategy for MSMEs Abstract   PDF
Arief Dwi Saputra, Alfina Rahmatia
Proceedings of 2nd Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2021 How Can Job Design Strategy in Islamic Management Help Organization Coping Covid-19 Impact Abstract   PDF
Alfina Rahmatia, Arief Dwi Saputra
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Impact of Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability, Company Growth, and Size of The Company Against The Dividend Policy Abstract   PDF
Winda Silviana, Suyatmin Waskito Adi
Proceedings of 2nd Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2021 Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on The Profitability Of Islamic Banks In Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Azura Salsabilla, Allselia Riski Azhari, Rofiul Wahyudi, Dwi Santosa Pambudi, Riduwan Riduwan
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Investment in Sharia Fintech to Develop Real Sector of SMEs Abstract   PDF
Trimulato Trimulato, Samsul Samsul, Mila Sartika
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Islamic Banking Performance Analysis: Risk and Return Approach Abstract   PDF
Mardhiyaturrositaningsih Mardhiyaturrositaningsih
Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on IHTIFAZ: Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking (ACI-IJIEFB) 2020 Islamic Law Analysis on Bussiness Competition at Kampung Batik Laweyan Abstract   PDF
Qoshid Al-Hadi, Hifni Nasif, Huhib Huda, Asif Trisnani
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