Metode Pengembangan dan Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Anak Usia Dini di Era Milenial

Sri Kurnia Lestari


Efforts to improve the quality of education, teacher competence is one of the important roles in the ongoing teaching and learning activities in schools. However, there is still a lack of understanding of the definition of teacher competence. Teacher competencies include pedagogical, social, personality and profesional competencies. Methods or efforts in improving  teacher competency can be done through optimazation of related agents in institutions such as principalss and teachers by  becoming facilitators, motivators, educators and others.

Ministry of Education (1982: 51) states that competences shows the ability to carry out something obtained through education or training. Pedagogic competences is the ability to manage students such as understanding the characteristics and background of students. Personality competences is an ability that is capable of being a role model and a good example for students. Social competences is an ability that is able to communicate well with students and parents and professional competences is an ability that is able to master the subject matter and is able to condition the class attractively.

In teaching and learning activities a teacher needs to base teacher competences as a guide in becoming competent teachers. That way, the learning process can run well. Cooperation between parents and teachers needs to be developed and improved in helping childrens and learning activities. Therefore, good competences is needed in developing early childhood education in the family and the school environment through the agents involved.

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