The Implementation Of Deep Dialogue/Critical Thinking For Guidance And Counceling Service: The Solution Of Guidance And Counceling Teacher's Role In Disruption Era
The purpose of this paper is as a reference especially for guidance and counseling teachers in improving students' critical thinking competencies in school. Critical thinking is one of the competencies that must be mastered by students in the current era of disruption, in line with other competencies, such as creativity, communication and collaboration (Kemdikbud, 2016). Surely, this has become a challenge for guidance and counseling teachers in the current era of disruption. Therefore, here we offer an idea for BK teachers in schools, especially in improving students' critical thinking competencies, through implementing deep dialogue / critical thingking in guidance and counseling services in the disruption era, namely an activity of guidance and counseling services that carried out by operating intellectual potential possessed by students to be able to analyze things, make judgments, and make the decisions correctly and carried it out correctly. Moreovere, it can be realized in interpersonal relationships, mutual openness, honesty and also rely on kindness. The data collection method carried out in this writing is through literature studies. Literature studies are conducted to strengthen the problems and solutions that will be raised in this paper. So hopefully that the existence of this writing can be an alternative or a solution for guidance and counseling teachers in improving students' critical thinking skills in the era of disruption.
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