Guru Garis Depan (GGD): Membangun Sumba Melalui Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan
The problem discussed in this paper is the role of frontline teachers in improving the quality of education in their placement areas. The method used in this paper is the literature review method by reading books, articles and journals about GGD, improving the quality of education and developing the quality of education in the Sumba area. Writing this paper aims to generate ideas that can be used as an effort to increase the role of GGD in developing the quality of education in the regions / schools where they are assigned. Sumba itself is an area that can be said to be very far from developing words, not only in economic terms but also from the quality of education. From this study it was found that what needs to be addressed from the Sumba area itself is the thinking of the Sumba community who acts as parents of students, the students themselves, school partners, and also the thoughts of the GGD.
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