Pengembangan Metode Bermain Peran Untuk Mengembangkan Sosial Emosional Anak Usia Dini

Yunari Yunari


Early childhood social emotional abilities have not developed optimally. Still low interest in playing children, because the variety of play given by teachers is less diverse. In addition, the non-attractive delivery of teachers causes children not to be interested in the activities provided. The method used to develop children's social esoteric is only in the form of learning through lectures, LKA and has not implemented play activities.

Various play methods are expected by children to be teratrik with new playing methods, so that they can increase the demand for children to learn. In addition, with a variety of games children can develop their social emotional. According to Dockett and Fleer (2000: 41) argue that playing is a necessity for children, because through playing children can get knowledge that can develop social emotional children. Based on the above theory, the development of playing methods has a role to develop social emotional Early Childhood.Through the method of playing the role of children can train independence, cooperation, socialize with friends, and can develop emotional social skills optimally according to the development stage. Children can learn to be responsible for what they do.

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