Pelatihan Implementasi Bimbingan Kedamaian Berdasarkan Ajaran KH. Ahmad Dahlan bagi Konselor Sekolah

Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra, Nur Hidayah, Aprilia Setyowati, Dewi Eko Wati, Akmalia Siwi Mentari


The state's mandate to the successor of the Indonesian nation is "to participate in carrying out world order based on independence, eternal peace, and social justice." The reality is that not all students can carry out the mandate and instead display aggressive behavior. One of the efforts to suppress violence is to implement peace guidance based on the teachings of KH. Ahmad Dahlan. The purpose of this community service program is to encourage guidance and counseling teachers to facilitate students in overcoming various problems without violence and create a more conducive school environment. Peace guidance implementation training based on the teachings of KH. Ahmad Dahlan was held for Muhammadiyah Vocational School in Yogyakarta City. This activity is carried out using socialization, training, and mentoring methods. The result of this activity is that Guidance and Counseling teachers can understand and apply the pattern of Guidance and Counseling services that contain the teachings of KH. Ahmad Dahlan to create peace. Counselors can be agents of peace using the instructions of KH. Ahmad Dahlan as service content provided by students.


Peace; Peace Guidance; KH. Ahmad Dahlan

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