Penguatan kelembagaan organisasi relawan bencana dalam pengelolaan sanitasi di pengungsianPenguatan kelembagaan organisasi relawan bencana dalam pengelolaan sanitasi di pengungsian
Environmental sanitation is a significant problem to be considered after a disaster, and the community stay in camps as a refugee. Unstable psychological conditions and insufficient sanitation facilities in the refugee camps generated illness (for example diarrheal), environmental disturbances and / or disturbances in comfort. The Centre for Disaster Mitigation and Management Studies (PSMPB) as one of the social organizations who coordinate volunteers when a disaster occurred to provide volunteers. PSMPB is responsible for the knowledge and skills in overcoming sanitation problems in post-disaster locations. To strengthen the PSMPB institution in post-disaster sanitation management through prepare guidelines for post-disaster sanitation management, increase the knowledge and attitudes of disaster volunteers in post-disaster sanitation management. The methods used in this community service ware socialization, brainstorming of volunteer experiences, and focus group discussion (FGD) with PSMPB volunteers via online chat on 15,16, 20 September and 21 October 2020. WhatsApp Group was chosen as a platform to conduct FGD. The results of this community service were producing method for PSMPB volunteers and supportive material to strengthening them – especially for volunteers who will be deployed to disaster locations. This community service encourages the volunteers to open-minded because they were invited to participate actively in overcoming problems in refugee camps according to their experiences. Apart from that, they feel happy and appreciated because their experience is beneficial to strengthen other volunteers when deployed in the disaster area.
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Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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