Communication strategy of Cilacap district government in poverty reduction through Cilacap district social service in 2022

Algifary Izza Khalifa, Nur Sofyan


Poverty is a complex problem faced by developing countries, including Indonesia. Poverty conditions in Indonesia occur in various sectors such as economic, social, and food. Cilacap District is one of the district in Central Java with a high poverty rate, with 73 out of 269 villages classified as poor villages. And among them 37 villages have the status of extreme poor villages. The purpose of this research is to find out and explain how the Communication Strategy of the Cilacap District Government in Poverty Reduction through the Cilacap District Social Service in 2022. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by conducting interviews with the three resource persons and documentation. The data analysis technique in the research will go through three stages, namely; data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the government communication strategy carried out by the Cilacap District Social Service in alleviating poverty is based on the Integrated Welfare Data (DTKS) in which there is data verification of beneficiary data. The dissemination of aid information is channeled through the mass line of the Cilacap District Social Service to the community and involves the role of communicators from the Cilacap District Regent, such as the issuance of the Cilacap District Regent Decree. The obstacles encountered by the Cilacap District Social Service in reducing poverty are often encountered by beneficiaries who do not have commitment and mentality so that the assistance provided is lost or unable to be developed.

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