Role public relation Klik UAD in effort building UAD Image

Seftiyan Dwi Setio Laksono, Nunik Hariayanti


Klik Uad Manage some social media like instagram, facebook, twitter, tiktok , and youtube. Content on social media Klik Uad contains about information about Ahmad Dahlan University, activities of the academic community Ahmad Dahlan University, and others. Good social media management and filtering  content to be uploaded to public become very task important for Klik Uad. Therefore , researchers feel that title Role PR Klik Uad in Effort Building the Image Uad has urgency For discussed. Method used in study This is type study descriptive with approach qualitative. Data collection techniques are carried out with three method namely, interview, observation, and documentation. Then, the data analyzed use method data reduction, data presentation, and withdrawal conclusion. In check data validity, researcher use technique triangulation. Triangulation technique Can likened as technique inspection data validity with compare results interview to object research. Research results show that public relations Klik Uad successful build image Ahmad Dahlan University through post his instagram. Ahmad Dahlan University as college name height  Already known audience general naturally must always show positive image. Besides evaluation from public, trust from stakeholders as well very thing important. Therefore, role public relations very needed For build image positive.

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