Communication planning model in optimizing information management for the 2024 Election Based on Bakohumas (Public relations coordinating agency) at KPU Bantul

Eka Anisa Sari, Wiwiek Afifah


This study aims to analyze in-depth the communication planning model of Bantul KPU through the media and Bakohumas as a strategic mode related to the implementation of the 2024 election. Various agendas to implement the socialization program have been done through the election socialization information, policies, electoral and institutional activity programs, Bakohumas KPU, Provincial KPU and Regency / City KPU. They must upload the information regularly through their social media and websites referring to the electoral and institutional issues at the national level.

This research used a qualitative descriptive method. The data were obtained from interviews, observation, and documentation from Bantul Regency General Election Commission (KPU). The documentation was directly taken from Bantul Regency General Election Commission (KPU Bantul) documents. There were 8 steps that were conducted in preparing communication planning according to Assifi and French in Cangara (2011). They were Analyzing Problems, analyzing audiences, formulating goals, selecting media, developing messages, planning media production, planning program management and monitoring and evaluation. 

The findings in this research showed that Bantul KPU pursued 4 stages. They are (1) determining the problem, (2) planning and program preparation, (3) action and communication, and (4) evaluation. In determining the problems, the problems were found related to obstacles and lack of public information mainly those related to the stages of the election and its implementation. Planning and preparing the program were set based on the response to the fact finding such as by increasing insight through organizing training, voter education and recruitment of democracy volunteers through Bakohumas. Action and communication were taken from KPU Bantul through its strategic program that is by optimizing the role of Bakohumas. Evaluation was done by identify its strength, weaknesses, and strategic steps for the future. The interesting findings in this study at the stage of action and communication aspects, the public relations coordinating body becomes a strategic space or node to improve coordination and communication between agencies, institutions and partners of the KPU Bantul related (I am not sure about this sentence).


Keywords: Bakohumas, Election 2024, Communication Model


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