The Brand Loyalty of Radio Swaragama FM in maintaining the existence of Yogyakarta listeners

Wenni Prihatini, Nunik Hariyanti


Today's broadcasting world, especially radio, is one of the media to convey information that is said to be almost lost in existence and less in demand because information and communication technology continues to develop and people begin to switch to digital media which slowly replaces radio. An important role in the radio industry is how to maintain consumer loyalty in the market in order to remain competitive with competitors. This is what encourages the radio industry to utilize digital media as an effort to increase consumer loyalty in order to maintain the existence of its listeners. Swaragama FM is the best newcomer radio in Yogyakarta and the most listened to by listeners with the 2nd best market segmentation, namely teenagers aged 18 to  adults 35 years and radio with the highest level of listener loyalty according to AC Survey in 2002. Researchers will describe "Brand Loyalty Radio Swaragama FM in maintaining the existence of Yogyakarta listeners" using qualitative descriptive research. This research technique uses interview, observation, and documentation techniques as well as literature study analysis that are interrelated with the problem to be studied. The interview technique consists of inclusion criteria, namely adolescents and adults from the age of 18 to 35 years. Based on the results of Swaragama FM radio brand loyalty analysis in maintaining the existence of Yogyakarta listeners, there are 3 indicators of customer loyalty, namely: 1. Repeat purchases where Swaragama FM radio listeners continue to make repeat purchases of radio products/services because they are able to brand radio through social media such as Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter by following the growing trend of TikTok content creation as an effort to attract audience interest, 2. Retention is an effort to retain and keep customers from switching to competitors, for example evaluating Swaragama's performance through audience feedback, 3. Referalls is how radio listeners can recommend this brand to others, for example by holding games, quizzes, giveaways on social media. Therefore, the quality of service of a brand has a direct effect on the loyalty of Radio Swaragama FM consumers, which means that the higher the quality of the product or service, the higher the loyalty.

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