Production Management of Pebasket Sombong Youtube Content in 2023

Farhat Fachrusalam, Iman Sumarlan


This research aims to analyze how the production management of the Pebasket Sombong YouTube Channel content is carried out using a qualitative approach by referring to George Robert Terry's production management theory. Production management is the process of managing all aspects involved in the production of a good or service, including planning, organizing, implementing and controlling. Qualitative methods are used to deeply understand the practices and strategies used by the team in producing quality content. The research results show that the Arrogant Basketball Team pays systematic attention to Terry's four main production management functions, namely planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. In the planning stage, the team focused on developing a strong content concept with deep intent and strong storytelling capabilities. Organization is carried out neatly, starting from writing scripts, selecting locations and talents, to dividing tasks within the team. During the implementation phase, the team executed the plan well with good teamwork and firmness in dealing with obstacles. Careful control is carried out to monitor and evaluate the entire production process, ensuring that the quality of the content is maintained in accordance with established standards.

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