The Influence of Tiktok Social Media on the Learning Achievement of Paguntaka Yogyakarta Dormitory Students

Muh. Yunus Barunda, Iman Sumarlan


This study aims to investigate the relationship between TikTok usage and college students' learning achievement. In this study, the three independent variables observed were the amount of time spent using TikTok, learning achievement achieved, and Online gambling Ads. Data was collected through questionnaires distributed to students at Paguntaka Dormitory Yogyakarta. The results of the analysis showed that all independent variables had a negative mean, signifying a negative influence between TikTok usage and learning achievement. Thus, these findings support the hypothesis that TikTok use negatively affects students' learning achievement. The analysis of the discussion was conducted using Denis McQuail's mass communication theory, which highlights the role of the media as a socialization agent that influences individual behavior and perceptions. The implication of this study is the need for awareness and wise management of the use of social media, especially TikTok, so as not to interfere with the achievement of educational goals and personal development of students. Further research could explore other factors that influence the relationship between TikTok use and learning achievement, as well as strategies to reduce its negative impact.

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