Student Attitudes Toward the use of AI in Muhammadiyah Universities in the Disruptive Era

Surya Damaruka, Rendra Widyatama


Technological developments in today's digital era such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence are becoming a discussion of technology experts. Artificial intelligence is needed in all fields because of its comfort and convenience. This, of course, affects the readiness of students to face the progress provided by AI itself. This article elaborates on the subject by explaining students' attitudes regarding the use of AI in lecture learning. This article aims to understand the extent to which students accept and are ready to use artificial intelligence. This research uses qualitative methods. Data was collected by interviewing eight Ahmad Dahlan University students. The results showed that students have a positive attitude towards artificial intelligence for education. The majority of students view artificial intelligence as a tool that can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of learning and open up wider educational access opportunities. On the other hand, the ease and speed of artificial intelligence in helping students will make students worry about their dependence on artificial intelligence. The use of intelligence technology has a positive effect on students. However, it also found the fact that the use of artificial intelligence brings other influences such as causing dependence which will have an impact on the critical thinking attitudes of students. Therefore, the impact of using artificial intelligence technology cannot be attributed and concluded for good or bad, because once again everything is adjusted to the purpose of using AI technology and how to use it in each student.

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