Interpersonal communication patterns in broken home families in Jekan Raya Sub-district, Palangkaraya City

Aisyah Aisyah, Ade Putranto Prasetyo Wijiharto Tunggali


This research discusses about Interpersonal Communication Patterns in Broken Home Families in Jekan Raya Subdistrict, Palangkaraya City. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the interpersonal communication patterns in broken home families in Jekan Raya sub-district in Palangkaraya City. In this study, the authors used qualitative research methods to collect data so that researchers could examine the data more broadly and have a naturalistic nature. Communication between broken households is often called a broken home, which means that the state of the family does not lead to harmony, harmony and well-being which results in the absence of two-way communication, often the lack of communication is not intact (broken home).

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