Communication Strategy Marketing Integrated Tourism Department Wakatobi in Branding Wakatobi as Destination Tour Popular

Cici Sriandini, Ardiyanto Wardhana


Ministry Tourist issued a list of 10 new Balis as reference for tourists Which include to in 10 new Bali is one of them is Wakatobi National Park. Wakatobi has 112 types of reef fish only found in Wakatobi besides that there are also 90 types of aquatic fish as well as a number of type bird sea that is swan chocolate, kettle Malay, and Raja Udan erasia . Wakatobi given nickname as triangle reef coral or Coral Triangle because it's in it keep Lots diversity reef coral and life sea other. Consequence from beauty nature Wakatobi become destination tour popular. Wakatobi also became supplier biggest for economy and tourism for government. Destination Wakatobi start known Because Wallacea expedition in 1995 which said that area Wakatobi is rich species coral that is, a total of 850 species corals in the world, 750 of them is in Wakatobi. Based on background behind the problem above, the topic will be discussed is a communication strategy Tourism Department marketing Wakatobi in Branding Wakatobi as Destination Tour Popular. The aim of the research is for know communication strategies marketing integrated carried out by the Tourism Department Wakatobi For comparing Wakatobi become destination tour popular. Study This use method study qualitative. Communication strategy marketing use theory from Kotler and Keller with use method data collection via data triangulation. Result of study This is a communication strategy marketing integrated carried out by the Tourism Department in comparing Wakatobi as destination tour popular is utilise social media and organizing a festival that is only held in Wakatobi .

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