Online Promotion Strategy of Locomotion Art Agency Yogyakarta Through Instagram in Increasing Client Interest in Advertising

Muhammad Ranggaseno Rizki Haryono, Suciati Suciati


This research is about the Online Promotion Strategy of Locomotion Art Yogyakarta Agency Through Instagram to Increasing Client Interest in Advertising. Information and communication technology is a tool or way used by humans to convey, receive, and search for information and communicate in everyday life. Social media is a very effective platform in this digital marketing strategy, one of the popular and effective social media platforms is Instagram. Locomotion Art Studio, a creative agency in Yogyakarta, has utilized Instagram as the main platform in its online promotion strategy. With a well-organized Instagram feed featuring stunning work, Locomotion Art Studio attracts the attention of potential clients and increases their interest in advertising. This research aims to find out how the Online Promotion Strategy of Locomotion Art Yogyakarta Agency Through Instagram Increasing Client Interest in Advertising. This research uses qualitative methods with a naturalistic approach. The object of this research is the online promotion strategy implemented by Locomotion Art, a creative agency in Yogyakarta. Data was collected through interviews with the purposive sampling technique, which is selecting informants who can provide comprehensive data. Then, data collection was done through interviews and historical data documentation. Data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study show that the Online Promotion Strategy of the Yogyakarta Locomotion Art Agency Through Instagram to Increasing Client Interest in Advertising. is by carrying out stages, namely the online promotion planning stage and the online promotion mix.

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