The Role of @afjfarmedanimals Instagram Account as Cage-Free Campaign Media: A Content Analysis Study

Dena Melia Pebriani, Arif Ardy Wibowo


Most nonprofit organizations use Instagram as a medium to voice social campaigns, which are the organization's main focus. One example is a nonprofit organization based in Yogyakarta called Animal Friends Jogja. Animal Friends Jogja (AFJ) is a registered, non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to improving animal welfare through cage-free campaigns for laying hens. Based on this, this study aims to analyze the content of the @afjfarmedanimals account as media on Instagram in its role in conducting cage-free campaigns. The researcher used a qualitative approach, using the content analysis method and critical paradigm and grouping content based on the Four Pillars Social Media Content Strategy. The results showed that of the four pillars, the most uploaded content on @afjfarmedanimals Instagram is information content. As a registered non-profit, non-governmental organization, @afjfarmedanimals has succeeded in several social movements to raise awareness of animal welfare. Also, @afjfarmedanimals through its posting campaigns has succeeded in inviting several communities and organizations both government and non-government to work together on animal welfare, especially laying hens.

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