Building Muhammadiyah's Political Image Strategy: Case Study of the PP Muhammadiyah Public Policy Wisdom Institute 2023

Lutfiah Hayati, Zein Mufarrih Muktaf


Muhammadiyah is an Islamic-based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Indonesia, established in 1912. Muhammadiyah is actively involved in humanity and community empowerment sectors. As one of the largest Islamic-based NGOs in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah plays an active role in politics and public policy. Muhammadiyah established the Public Policy Wisdom Institute (Public Policy Wisdom Institute, LHKP) in 1950 as a supporting institution under its umbrella tasked with responding to political issues and public policies. This research aims to analyze the role of LHKP in developing Muhammadiyah's political image strategy through its social media content, and to explore the factors influencing the success of these strategies for a smart environment in digital media. This study employs a descriptive-qualitative research approach using a case study method. Data analysis techniques include interviews, observations, and documentation. The findings of this research conclude that: First, effective communication strategies through various public platforms, particularly using social media content by LHKP, have strengthened Muhammadiyah's positive image. LHKP PP Muhammadiyah has successfully positioned itself as a key driver in practical politics and public policy by placing potential cadres in strategic political positions. Second, Muhammadiyah can play a political role as a significant political force influencing the national political process without transforming itself into a political party.

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