The Influence of Motives to Watch Podcast Warung Kopi (PWK) on Viewing Satisfaction among has Creative Subscribers

Tanaya Tria Pandhita, Haryadi Arief Nur Rasyid


The digital age has brought about profound changes in the way we access, consume, and interact with media. The high popularity of podcasts in Indonesia is certainly not without reason. The diversity of content genres is one of the main factors that allow listeners to freely choose content according to their respective preferences. This study aims to examine the effect of viewing motives on satisfaction in watching the Podcast Warung Kopi (PWK) among HAS Creative Subscribers. This study uses an explanatory research method and a quantitative approach. This study uses a technique of distributing questionnaires in this study using an online system. The intended online system is to distribute questionnaires using the Google form feature with 400 respondents. Data analysis in this study used a simple regression analysis technique. From the results of this study, it can be seen that the mean score on the independent variable Gratification Sought (motive for watching) is greater than the mean score of the dependent variable Gratification Obtained (satisfaction obtained), where the Gratification Obtained score is smaller than the Gratification Sought score, meaning that the satisfaction received is smaller than the motive for use. Simple linear regression analysis shows that motive has a significant influence on satisfaction. The correlation coefficient (R) of 0.614 indicates a reasonably strong relationship between motive and satisfaction, with a coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.377, meaning 37.5% of the variability in satisfaction can be explained by motive. The regression model is statistically significant, with a calculated F value of 240.830 and a significance level of 0.000. The positive regression coefficient of 0.454 indicates that an increase in motive will be followed by a rise in satisfaction. The significance value for the regression coefficient of motive being less than 0.05 confirms that the effect of motive on satisfaction is statistically significant.

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