Persuasive Communication of the Nunukan Regional Board for Disaster Management in Educating the Public About Disaster Response

Arthamesya Cheryl Putri Mulyadi, Muhammad Najih Farihanto


Nunukan Regency (North Kalimantan) has the potential for a threatening disaster. Disaster events in Nunukan Regency include floods, tornadoes, forest and land fires, landslides, and coastal abrasion. Disasters cannot be predicted in time, magnitude, or location. However, with modern knowledge, traditional natural signs, and experience from previous disaster events, it is possible to estimate the likelihood of a disaster. Efforts are needed to build awareness and community involvement and increase the effectiveness of messages conveyed through persuasive communication. The suggestion of this study is to find out how the persuasive communication of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Nunukan Regency in educating the public about disaster response; this research uses persuasive communication strategies according to Melvin L. DeFleur and Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach, namely: 1) Psychodynamic Strategy, 2) Sociocultural Strategy, 3) The Meaning Construction Strategy. This research method uses qualitative descriptive data collection techniques with interviews, observations, and documentation. As well as data validation and source triangulation techniques. The results of this study show that the persuasive communication strategy used by the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Nunukan Regency (North Kalimantan) to educate the community through psychodynamic strategies, sociocultural strategies, and the meaning construction strategy has succeeded in increasing community awareness and readiness in facing disasters.

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