JKT48's stage performance from Anholt's Nation Branding Perspective

Affan Sandhy Adinata, Muhammad Najih Farihanto


This study aims to analyze the role of JKT48 in Japan's national branding strategy through promoting pop culture in Indonesia. Utilizing a descriptive qualitative approach, data was collected through literature studies and documentation. The findings indicate that JKT48 effectively introduces and popularizes Japanese culture in Indonesia, which aligns with the nation branding concept proposed by Simon Anholt. Support from the "Cool Japan" program has proven to strengthen cultural relations between Japan and Indonesia and increase the interest of Indonesian tourists in visiting Japan. This study recommends enhancing collaboration with other idol groups, providing stronger financial and logistical support, and using digital media more effectively. Additionally, the "Cool Japan" program is suggested to expand by incorporating other elements of Japanese culture, such as cuisine, traditional arts, and technology. Thus, Japan's national branding strategy can be more optimal and positively impact global perception.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26555/adiccom.v2i1.15544


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