The Implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Strategy of Titik Mula Coffee and Eats Purbalingga to Achieve Brand Awareness

Sinta Anggraeni, Iva Fikrani Deslia


Coffee is a potential business commodity in Indonesia that increases significantly and leads the nativity of Titik Mula Coffee and Eats in Purbalingga. This research explores the successful implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) strategy by Titik Mula Coffee and Eats to enhance brand awareness. Using qualitative research methodology through a detailed examination of Titik Mula's marketing approach, including advertising, public relations, direct marketing, and social media, the study reveals how a cohesive and synchronized communication strategy can effectively engage target audiences and amplify brand visibility. Drawing insights from case studies and market analysis, the article elucidates the pivotal role of IMC in fostering brand recognition and consumer loyalty in the competitive coffee and dining industry in Purbalingga city. The findings underscore the significance of strategic integration across various communication channels in maximizing the impact of marketing efforts and positioning Titik Mula Coffee and Eats as a prominent player in the market.


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