Persuasive Communication Strategy of the Purwakarta District Attorney’s Office in Increasing Legal Awareness Among Students Through the Prosecutor Enters School Program

Karin Rizkia Novalina, Iva Fikrani Deslia


The Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia is one of the law enforcement agencies responsible for carrying out the mission in the nation's development continuation and State, including realizing order and legal tranquility within society. This research aims to determine the implementation of the School Prosecutor Program conducted by the District Attorney's Office of Purwakarta through persuasive communication. This outreach serves as a non-penal policy to prevent criminal acts involving student perpetrators in the city of Purwakarta. The method used in this study is qualitative, gathering data through interviews and observations conducted by the researcher among students to validate data. The findings of this research indicate that the School Prosecutor Program educates students on legislation officially enacted by the Government, effectively employing Persuasive Communication and Psychodynamic Strategy. This approach involves engaging students with messages that are not monotonous but instead intriguing, making it easier for them to understand the information conveyed. The results of the School Prosecutor Program have led to changes observed in indicators of adolescent delinquency such as student brawls and drug use, which have declined significantly.

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