Reverse Culture Shock Phenomenon among Al Azhar Students in Egypt

Nisful Laili, Pawito Pawito, Sri Hastjarjo


This study explores the reverse culture shock experienced by Indonesian students after returning from studying at Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. Utilizing the W-Curve model proposed by Gullahorn and Gullahorn, this research investigates the stages of cultural adjustment these students undergo, both abroad and upon their return home. Data were collected through interviews with four informants who had studied in Cairo for five to six years. The findings reveal that the students experienced initial excitement upon arrival in Egypt, followed by frustration and discomfort during the hostility phase. Over time, they adapted and felt at home in the new environment. Upon returning to Indonesia, they faced reverse culture shock, struggling to readjust to their home culture and environment. The study highlights the emotional and psychological challenges of reentry and underscores the importance of support systems to facilitate smoother transitions for returning students.

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