Digital Marketing Srategy for Radar Jogja to Increase Online Readers

Aldefi Dissa Salsabilla, Iva Fikrani Deslia


In this era of digitalization, competition in the press industry is increasingly intense. The emergence of numerous online media outlets makes competition even tougher. Therefore, companies are utilizing digital marketing to compete. This study analyzes Radar Jogja's Digital Marketing Strategy to increase online readership using a qualitative research approach, with data sources including observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study show that Radar Jogja has upgraded its system by employing a website and utilizing social media to keep pace with the current era. This strategy has had a positive impact, allowing Radar Jogja to compete effectively with other online media. However, there is still a need for Radar Jogja to innovate further in order to maintain stability and enhance its appeal.

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