Persuasive Communication Strategy of the National Narcotics Agency in Bangka Belitung Province in Tackling Drug Abuse

Gilang Agustian, muhammad najih farihanto


Drug abuse from the impact of the times is very worrying for the civilization of the younger generation. It is very relevant to realize the young generation is free from drugs. The drug abuse program in Bangka Belitung (BNN) in socializing abuse is very important. The aim of this research is to determine the Persuasive Communication Strategy of the National Narcotics Agency of Bangka Belitung Province in Tackling Drug Abuse. This type of research is qualitative with a descriptive approach. the results of this research show For persuasive communication to run well and the message conveyed by the communicator to the communicator to arrive, a good persuasive communication strategy is needed. This strategy includes prevention that aims to delay the onset of drug users and overcome drug abuse.

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