The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth and Events Towards Interest in Buying Dandito Crabs in Balikpapan

Muamar Ikhsan Abi Hurairah, Muhammad Thoyib Amali


This study aims to explain the influence of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (e-WOM) and events towards interest in buying Dandito Crabs in Balikpapan. The research urgency rises from culinary arts that have become an integral part of people's lifestyles, fulfilling the need for pleasure. Popular culinary delights often become tourist destinations, attracting local and international visitors. Each culinary tour has unique attractions that boost potential visitors' buying interest, where e-WOM plays a crucial role as consumers typically seek information about products before purchasing. On the other hand, events that are designed with specific themes aim to capture visitors' attention and convey the intended message effectively. The theoretical approach used in this study focuses on the integrated marketing communication model. The study found that e-WOM significantly influences buying interest among consumers of Dandito Crab Restaurant. Similarly, events have a notable impact on purchase interest. The correlation test results indicate that e-WOM and events account for 71.2% of the variation in purchase interest, with the remaining 28.8% attributed to other variables. To enhance promotions, the management of Dandito Crab Restaurant can increase its presence and interactions on social media.

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