Intan Sofiana, Feisal Aziez


The development of technology influences many aspects nowadays, especially in education. Teachers have started using technology as a medium for their teaching materials. The use of technology in the EFL classroom has become the new way to improve students’ comprehension. One of them is using digital audiobooks to improve students’ listening skills. Listening becomes one of the most challenging skills in learning a foreign language. Many students still lack exposure to English listening materials. In addition, English words are pronounced differently from how they are written. As a result, students do not understand what the speakers say when they listen to native speakers. Digital audiobooks help students understand what the speakers say since it contains an illustration of the context. Therefore, this literature review focuses on the use of digital audiobooks to improve students’ listening skills. It discusses the benefits of using digital audiobooks to improve students’ listening skills in EFL classrooms. To conclude, this paper is ended with a review of some previous studies on this particular topic.

Keywords: digital audiobook, listening, English, EFL classroom

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/iucee2022.v1i1,%20March.9060


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