International Undergraduate Conference on English Education (IUCEE)

Proceeding TitleInternational Undergraduate Conference on English Education (IUCEE)
InitialsIUCEE Proceedings
Frequency2 Issues a year
Editor-in-chiefBambang Widi Pratolo, Ph.D.
PublisherUniversitas Ahmad Dahlan
ISSN 2962-0058

The International Undergraduate Conference on English Education (IUCEE) is an academic forum for undergraduate students, especially those majoring in English education. Its aim is to provide a forum for students and lecturers to share ideas on all topics related to English Language Teaching and beyond.

The 2024 International Undergraduate Conference in English Education (IUCEE) is designed around the theme "Sociocultural Perspectives: Navigating Digital Landscape" to address the intersection of language learning, technology, and societal dynamics. In an increasingly digitalized world, understanding the sociocultural implications is crucial for effective English education. By exploring diverse perspectives through keynote speeches, discussions, and paper presentations, IUCEE provides a platform for young scholars to engage critically with the challenges and opportunities of teaching and learning English in the digital age. Through this conference, participants will gain insights into innovative pedagogical strategies, digital literacy development, and the promotion of inclusive education, thus empowering them to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape with cultural sensitivity and pedagogical efficacy, ultimately advancing English education on a global scale. In alignment with the conference's main theme, participants are invited to share their insights within the following sub-themes.

  1. Digital Literacy and Socio-cultural Competence
  2. Social Media and Language Learning
  3. Gamification and Cultural Engagement
  4. Virtual Reality (VR) and Cultural Immersion
  5. Digital Storytelling and Cultural Narratives
  6. AI and Personalized Learning in ELT
  7. Other relevant topics in ELT


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Journal Homepage Image

Vol 2, No 2 (2023)

Table of Contents


Alfira Putri, Iful Rahmawati Mega, Dwi Indra Aprilliandari
Saskiya Rizky Saputri, Feizal Aziez Aziez
Lula Muchlisa, Ikmi Nur Oktavianti
Eva Rosantika, Susilawati Susilawati, Eline Rozaliya Winarto
Ayudia Fauziah, Puji Andriyanto, Fauzi Abdul Fattah Munir, Sucipto Sucipto
BUNAIYAH BUNAIYAH BUNAIYAH, Khairil Anwar, Linda Sekar Utami
Abraham Sunday Unubi
Zohaib Hassan Sain
Safira Adni, Arifin Putratama Rahmawan, Arifin Putratama Rahmawan, Rahmi Munfangati, Rahmi Munfangati
Nurinsani Yaman, Ikmi Nur Oktavianti
Elisabeth Yanwarin, Agus Setiawan, Raisa Anakotta
Ahmad Jawahir
Tika Anggraini, Prayudha Prayudha