SRIYANI NONO, Prayudha S.Pd., M.A.


Pak Ndul is a YouTuber who already has more than 1.10 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, his videos are called as humor videos because the way he speaks is so unique and hilarious. The aims of this research is to identify the types and the functions of illocutionary acts in Pak Nduls humor videos. To find out most dominant type of illocutionary act used by Pak Ndul in his humor videos.The used of the method is descriptive qualitative, because it will analyze, describe, or summarize the data that has been collected. In collecting the data this research used the simak method and teknik simak bebas libat cakap & teknik catat by Sudaryanto 2015. In analyzing the data, this research used Metode Padan Pragmatik by Sudaryanto as well. The research object is the illocutionary acts used by Pak Ndul, the data are collected from 16 videos of Pak Ndul on YouTube. This research used the theory of Illocutionary Acts by John Robert Searle (1976) The illocutionary Act is divided into five types namely Representative, Directive, Commissive, Expressive, and Declarative. In Pak Nduls videos only found three types of illocutionary acts, they are Representative, Directive, and Expressive. The representative illocutionary act data found are 22, the directive are 15 data, and the expressive are 41 data. The illocutionary functions are Collaborative, Competitive, and Convivial.

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