The effectiveness of group guidance with the assistance of gamesdragon snake to reduce student agresivity

Raidha Hidayah, Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra


Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood which includes biological changes, psychological changes, and social changes. At present, the condition of adolescents in Indonesia is very apprehensive. This can be seen from the condition of adolescents where adolescents tend to be more free so that adolescents often do not pay attention to ethics in every action they take and this can trigger aggressive behavior. Aggressiveness is a form of someone's behavior that is shown in the form of violence, threats, or actions that are harmful to others. In addition, aggressiveness in adolescents has many negative impacts, both for perpetrators and victims of this behavior. The impact on the pelau themselves is that they will be shunned, feared, insulted, emotional and mental health disorders, and can even be caught in the law. The impact on victims is physical injury, psychological disorders such as anxiety and trauma. While the impact on the surrounding environment is that the environment becomes unsafe and comfortable. Based on the problems above, this aggressiveness needs to be reduced. One of the efforts that can be made by the counseling teacher to reduce this aggressiveness is by providing group guidance services using games that contain artistic values such as dragon snake games. This study aims to prevent students from behaving aggressively

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