Psychoeducation with KH ahmad dahlan's teachings to increase students' peacefulness

Nurul Hanifah Puteri, Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra


Peace is one of the things that is desired in everyone's life, but many problems of peace that occur due to increased aggressiveness behavior among students still occur frequently. The differences that occur in students are also due to the amount of diversity that causes conflict and triggers violence. One alternative service that can be used by counselors to help students increase peace within themselves with local wisdom is psychoeducation with the teachings of KH Ahmad Dahlan. He is a role model in creating a sense of peace within himself so that there are values that can be a reference in life. In the value of KH Ahmad Dahlan's teachings contains five values that can be pursued in order to increase peace, the teaching values are as follows: 1) freedom, 2) critical, 3) humble, 4) tolerance, and 5) compassion. The purpose of this research is to be able to help students in achieving self-peace so that they have peace and comfort both in their minds and hearts. This study also uses a literature review sourced from several articles, journals, and books that are relevant to the discussion of this research and can be the basis and reference for future researchers in testing its effectiveness and continuing this research.  

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