Conceptual Distinctiveness of Psychological Safety and Psychosocial Safety Climate A Scoping Review

Farisha Dian Prabaningtyas, Ezraputi Salsabila, Bertha Kristiyanti


This article presents a comprehensive review of the concepts of psychological and psychosocial safety in the workplace. The method used in this research is a scoping review. The discussion includes the importance of social relationships in the workplace in enhancing individual performance by providing support and facilitating psychological safety. Additionally, the article reviews three levels of Psychological Safety Climate (PSC) - at the individual, group, and organizational levels - and their contribution to the overall workplace climate. Understanding the concept of psychosocial safety climate is also examined, which encompasses aspects such as social support, job control, and job security. Special attention is given to the urgency of addressing psychosocial risks in the workplace, such as job stress, and their potential implications for mental health. The conclusion of the article emphasizes the need for organizational interventions to promote positive psychological and psychosocial safety climates, thereby contributing to creating a healthier and safer work environment.


psychosocial safety climate, psychological climate, work envvironment

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