Fatmi Indrihastuti


Nowadays, the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency in Indonesia is unstoppable, a number of events that reflect the moral decline of this country's young generation are shown seemingly without pause. The lack of etiquette is suspected to be one of the contributing factors. This young generation no longer hesitates to speak harshly, abuse teachers when they refuse to be reminded, plan brawls in the name of solidarity, or engage in promiscuity to be seen as following trends. So it is very important to provide ethical education from an early age as one of the solutions because it is the foundation that when they are teenagers they will have strong provisions to face negative influences. Psychoeducation is provided in the form of lectures, roleplay, practical activities such as home visits and so on. This research aims to implement psychoeducation, which is the provision of education to increase understanding as a means of preventing problems in a community, as a provision to prevent juvenile delinquency in the future and to form polite and ethical character. This research uses qualitative research methods with phenomenological studies and examines several literature studies as additional literature. Data collection techniques use observation data and unstructured interviews. The research subjects were elementary school students with samples taken using random sampling techniques. The results of the research found that non-etiquette attitudes are common even when children are at elementary school age. By providing psychoeducation about etiquette from an early age to children, children consistently increase their knowledge of etiquette and are able to practice it in everyday life, both with friends, teachers and parents.


psychoeducation, manners, character

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