Self-Efficacy Dan Kecenderungan Kambuh pada Pecandu Narkoba yang Menjalani Rehabilitasi di Lapas Narkotika

Nurila Ahmad, Asniar Khumas, Nurfitriany Fakhri


Relapse tendencies are problems caused by a lack of confidence in individuals not to use drugs again. This research aims to test whether there is a relationship between  self-efficacy  with a tendency to recur. Samples are obtained using techniques  accidental sampling with a sample of 120 residents undergoing rehabilitation in the Sungguminasa Class IIA Narcotics Penitentiary. This research uses analytical techniques  Spearman ’s rho . The results of this study indicate that there is a negative relationship between  self-efficacy  with recurrence tendencies (p= 0,000< 0.05). which means there is a negative and significant relationship between  self-efficacy  and the tendency to recur in drug addicts undergoing rehabilitation. This research is useful for drug users and communities outside the penitentiary, to prevent recurrence of drug users requires socialization or education in former drug addicts to stop using drugs again.


Tendency to relapse, self-efficacy, drug addicts

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