Potensi Pandemi COVID-19 dalam Memperkuat Relasi Orangtua-Anak

Nadea Zulfa Khairunnisa, F A Nurdiyanto


Indonesia has been two years into the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has had a lasting impact on parent-child and family relationships. Habits during the pandemic are expected to persist and create new behaviors. The pandemic drives negative impacts and risk factors. Also, it provides opportunities to minimize the negative impact on parent-child relationships. Previous research has warned of the negative impact of our parenting in the pandemic. This article describes various opportunities for building parent-child relationships in the context of a pandemic, including the fatherless relationship. This article was compiled through a literature study by reviewing various papers, books, and other library sources related to parenting issues during the pandemic. Some literature showed that communication between family members is more developed during a pandemic. It is crucial to develop adaptation and problem-solving mechanisms to build family resilience from crisis and pressure situations. This article will describe how the role of fathers is crucial for the development and well-being of children. In addition, this article provides an opportunity for parents to find new ways of working-life balance to open up opportunities for father-mother equality in parenting. The article also discusses the efforts that can be made by both the government and local stakeholders to support parents in raising their children. For example, some services can accommodate parents to increase their knowledge and abilities in parenting. These services can involve health services or community organizations.


parent-child relationship, COVID-19 pandemic, fatherless

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