Penerapan Intervensi Jadwal Aktivitas untuk Meningkatkan Perawatan Diri pada Pasien Skizofrenia

Eliza Rahmawati, Aulia Angel Brillian, Usmi Karyani


Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that affects several areas of individual functioning, such as ways of thinking, emotions, behavior and daily activities. This makes the sufferer lose motivation, apathy, lazy and indifferent to him self. This situation causes disruption of daily activities so that the sufferer is not productive, feels bored and feels bored. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of activity schedule interventions in improving self-care in people with schizophrenia. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a case study technique. The activity schedule intervention was carried out in the form of implementing an activity schedule for self-care which consisted of physical, psychological, religious, emotional, and social care. The intervention was carried out for one week in four meetings of approximately 30 minutes each. Collecting data using semi-structured interviews and observation. The number of subjects used is one male, aged ±35 years, the last education is elementary school, not yet married, and has worked odd jobs. Subjects diagnosed with schizophrenia for ± 12 years. Interviews were also conducted with nurses at the rehabilitation center where the subject was being treated. The results showed that after the implementation of the activity schedule intervention, the subject's behavior went in a positive direction. In this case, there is an initiative from the subject to implement an activity schedule, not to be alone, to socialize with those around him, to feel happy, and to fill his days a little with activities in the activity schedule.


activity schedule, self-care, schizophrenia

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