Dinamika Emotional Labor Pada Pengemudi Ojek Online di Yogyakarta

Muhammad Adriansyah Putra, Luqman Tifa Perwira


This study aims to see describe the dynamics of emotional management (emotional labor) in the form of factors that influence emotional management, strategies or ways to manage emotions and the benefit of managing emotions for online motorcycle taxi drivers in the city of Yogyakarta. This research was carried out with a phenomenological approach and used qualitative methods with data collection techniques used were semi-structured interviews. Then the sampling was done using purposive sampling technique, while for the research data analysis used the theme analysis technique. The results of the study indicate that there are positive and negative factors from external and internal individuals that dominate so that it affects emotional labor at work. Then it also shows that there are several strategies or ways that dominate individuals to do emotional labor when working. The results of the study also found some of the benefits that individuals feel when they are able or successful in carrying out emotional labor in their work.


emotional labor;online motorcycle taxi;phenomenology

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